Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Very tall Gray Birches at Humber Trails

                                                                                             Photo by Barry Wallace
I've been watching the Gray Birches, pictured above, at Humber Trails Conservation Area for decades.   They are found beyond the west end of the small pond about 300-400 metres from the main gate, on Mill Road, south of the King Road.  Their stand stretches about 100 metres north of the main trail.   They make quite a presentation now that they have reached their uncommon maximum height of 70'.   They may even reach more than 70' given a few more years.   But they are not long-living and rarely exceed 50 years of age.   Their trunks have many chevrons (shallow inverted Vs) at bases of branches as well as narrow horizontal marks.   The bark is a chalky, grey colour.This stand of many dozens of tall trees is quite impressive to see.
Please comment if you wish.
Barry Wallace

1 comment:

  1. What happens after they have reached their age to the fullest? Do they collapse or does man need to come and cut them? Can one plant new trees at that location? (as most likely their shallow roots cover a large area)
