Friday, December 22, 2023

Singing Gilbert & Sullivan 60 years ago...

Photo forwarded  by Doreen Hiltz

This Charming photo, taken of a Christmas tree in Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia, was taken by a favourite one-time high school teacher of mine, Doreen Hiltz.   The photo captures the full moon rising up and positioning itself at the peak of the tree.   Doreen was a music teacher at Aurora District High School back around 1960, when she produced a production of the Gilbert & Sullivan musical "HMS.Pinafore".   The entire school choir, of which I was one, participated in the musical and I played the role of Captain Corcoran. It was one of my favourite moments at old Aurora High.   My dear friend, the late Donald "Doc" Gordon, played the admiral of the Pinafore's fleet. After just over 60 years, I discovered that Doreen lived nearby, retired from a long-time career on the faculty of nearby St. Andrew's College in Aurora.
Please comment if you wish.
Barry Wallace


  1. What a great story from your past and amazing that Doreen is still alive Barry!

  2. One of the best moon shots I have ever seen.
