Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Delmanor welcomes exotic critters...

Photos by Barry Wallace
Delmanor Retirement Residence in Aurora received animal visitors from 'handsonexotics' recently, which included Pippa (above), a Red-tailed Cockatoo from Australia.   Pippa brought many smiles and laughter to Delmanor residents, pictured below...

Shelly, a ten-year
old Red-footed Tortoise from
Asia, (above and
at left), fascinated 
Delmanor residents

while exploring the living Well Centre non-stop.  This heavy tortoise will have a lifespan of 200 year.

Above and at left 
is Lara, a ferret and popular European pet animal, that sleeps 20 hours a day.

Above and at right, is Ravioli, a bug-eating lizard from Australia that is also called a "bearded dragon".
It can change its colours to blend in with rocks.

Delmanor residents, Pat Cromie (above) and Ron Thornton (below) get up close and personal with 'Stinky', a North American Corn Snake.

At left, perched atop 
a compliant Delmanor resident's head, 
is a South American Chinchilla, 
named Cocoa, the softest animal 
in the world.

Please comment if you wish.
Barry Wallace