Saturday, February 1, 2020

How long will it remain standing?

 Photos by Barry Wallace
King Township residents have wondered for years about the ultimate fate of the Great Barn at Marylake, north of King City.   It has been falling apart for years and one wonders if it can be saved at all.  Kelly Mathews, Manager, Sport Venue Operations and Community Recreation at Seneca College in King, is about to publish her new history book of King Township.   Previous publishing efforts by Kelly were greatly praised when she wrote "Eaton Hall - Pride of King Township" and "The Road to Marylake".   Perhaps her new book will informatively predict the future of Marylake's rural masterpiece.
Please comment if you wish.
Barry Wallace

Please comment if you wish.
Barry Wallace


  1. This is a beautiful barn with many potentials. Hope someone will invest in it. It could become a nice gallery or a restaurant etc. It will is a gem. Hope someone will give it life again.

  2. I do miss load bearing brick walls. Reminds me of all the Victorian homes torn down in Toronto. Ditto old factories and places of work.

    You are right Barry, quite the stunning interior structure on that barn.
