Friday, January 10, 2020

An old family photograph from the late 1800s...

My wife Linda, who passed away in November of last year was related to the Wells families of King and Vaughan Townships, of the late 1800s.   I've been reviewing the family history I wrote several years ago and came across this old photo of two of Linda's ancient uncles.   The two gentlemen had lived in King but became pioneering farmers in Manitoba around 1880.   Although it never made it into the family history, I was always fond of this photo because I thought the horse was a splendid looking creature and the two fellows in the buggy looked like resolute and dedicated sod-busters.   I believe the photo is about 130 years old.
Please comment if you wish.
Barry Wallace   


  1. Funny how every wore a suit up until the 1940s

  2. The horse is magnificent . I can imagine taking photos in those days was a big event and to have them survive is a treasure for sure. I remember a Wells family lived on the S.E. corner of (3rd. & Mill Pond Rd.) Dufferin & 15th. The boys name was Glenn. That was 60 years ago - why do we remember things like that?
