Photos by Barry Wallace
Algonquin Park ~ Temagami ~ King Township?
I'm always impressed with those parts of King Township that don't look anything like the pastoral horse farms and corn fields to which we are accustomed. Here and there around the township are vistas that remind me of Northern Ontario scenes. The view above is one of those scenes. It shows the Humber River, the main Humber River, flowing through Toronto Region Conservation Authority lands in the very south-west corner of the township, on the eastern edge of Bolton. It is well-known to the residents of Bolton, being in their backyard. Few people in King Township know it as well as their neighbours on the other side of the Caledon/King Townline South. The residents of King are well aware of the East Humber River that cuts across the southern portion of the township and which runs through the communities of Temperanceville, Eversley, King City, Kinghorn, Laskay and King Creek.
The Humber River courses under this bridge and passes from the manicured green lawns of Bolton into the marshes and forests of the Humber River valley in King Township. An excellent walking trail is maintained here, north and south of Bolton, by the Humber Valley Heritage Trail Association (Caledon and Kleinberg chapters). Google the HVHTA website to find the access points for the trail.
Beaver, deer, coyotes are to be found in this river valley along with many wild bird species. There is a feeling of remoteness here that is found only in a few other parts of King Township. The sense of remoteness is felt most by the silence of this place along the walking trail, and the massive size of many of trees on the slopes of the river valley.
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Barry Wallace