Saturday, July 15, 2023

McMichael Art Gallery revisited...

Photo by Barry Wallace
'The Drive'
By Tom Thomson
University of Guelph Collection 1926

My new friend Pat Cromie and I recently revisited, after dozens of years, the McMichael Canadian Art Collection in Kleinberg, Ontario.   The Group of Seven art collection was created by Robert and Signe McMichael in the early 1960s and by 1965 comprised 194 works.   Today there are almost 6,000 works in thirteen galleries by the Group of Seven painters and other contemporary artists.   Pat and I were particularly interested in the Group of Seven paintings and our admiration and appreciation was re-ignited.   Pat and her brother were each given a small preliminary Tom Thomson work when they were quite young.   Those works have long since been passed on to others.
In 1965, the McMichaels donated their 'national treasure' art collection, as well as their home and land, to the Province of Ontario.   I now have a whole new respect and deep affection for all the Group of Seven uniquely styled works, particularly those of the short-lived Tom Thomson.
If you've never seen this Canadian art treasure, it has to be on your bucket list.   Enjoy.
Please comment if you wish.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favorite galleries. Love it.
