Tuesday, May 21, 2024

'Hummer" finds apartment feeder in 5 days...

Photo by BarrytheBirder Wallace

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
(Archilochus colubris)
at Delmanor Retirement Apartments in Aurora

It's been two years since I moved from King City to Delmanor Retirement Apartments in Aurora and I have finally got around to hanging up a hummingbird feeder on the balcony of my new Delmanor friend Pat.   Pat's apartment is on the third floor and I wondered how long it would take a hummingbird to find the feeder.
Well, it took just a week, and a hummingbird is now making dozens of trips a day to get a the sugar-water nectar.   What a delightful surprise for Pat or any visitor, including me, to sit a few feet away from this charming bird-watchers' presentation.  Probably more pictures to come in the near future.
Please comment if you wish.
BarrytheBirder Wallace

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