Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June in the Marsh

Above - east of Hwy. 400
Photos by Barry Wallace
The Holland Marsh in upper King Township is in its annual transition from black to green, as the dark muck soil gives way to emerging green plants.   June is the month when black and green tones contrast vividly in the marsh.   The picture, at every turn, boasts of the bounty to come.
Above - West of Hwy. 400
Monster machines and workers on their hands and knees are essential to what will be, hopefully, the perfect production of produce on which the Holland Marsh has built an international reputation. 
Please comment if you wish.
Barry Wallace


  1. WOW what great photos, almost .ike a painting. We rush byNolland
    Marsh on our way out and don't see the hard work and beauty
    right under our noses! thank you for showing s the colour
    and the workers.

  2. From top to bottom the farmers are:
    Guelph Muck Crop Research Station
    Yang Jung
