Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Chickadees ~ winter's warriors

Photo by Barry Wallace
I wonder if chickadees know
that I need them as much in winter
as they need me?
Please comment if you wish.


  1. My Father used to feed them religiously whether we were at home or up at the cottage.

    In the winter time at our cottage the birds would hear my Dad trudging down the driveway with a pocket full of seed knowing that the Chickadees would come right to him before he even made it to the cottage for the weekend.

    Because of mt Dad I still feed them at home in Newmarket.

    Thank you Barry for the flash back!

    1. Hi Warren. I find your recollections very interesting and charming. Regards, Barry

  2. 10 years old, deep into winter, freezing after far too many hours outdoors building a treehouse with my friends in a water birch forest a 30 minute hike from the nearest occupied rural dwelling.

    Exhausted and frostbitten, we paused to eat our snacks, listening to the wind in the trees and our own heavy breaths...then lands a Chickadee on my glove to peck at my cracker. All building stopped for the next hour as we stood still and smiled at the astonishment that were we not alone in the forest, on that cold windy dark day. Never looked at the forest the same again. If you have food, company is never far away.

    1. I really like your comments James. Sometimes you just can't put a price on nostalgia. Barry
